
Measurement and Implications of 'People-Place' Emotional Association in Urban Blocks Based on Large Language Models: A Case Study of Duolun Road Block in Shanghai

周 静
上海大学上海美术学院 博士,副教授

上海脉策数据科技有限公司 工程师,硕士

刘 勇
上海大学上海美术学院 建筑系主任,博士,教授,博士生导师

上海脉策数据科技有限公司 工程师,硕士


摘要: 在Scannell与Gifford提出的地方依恋三维框架的基础上,建立“人—地”坐标系的基本骨架,通过大语言模型计算量化 的心理过程,表征“人—地”情感关联,并以上海市虹口区多伦路街区为例进行应用探索。研究发现,人们对多伦路街 区这一“嵌在居民区的景点”表现出复杂的情感反应,在此基础上得到两点启示:一是日常语言、微观行动情景有助于 理解“人—地”情感的产生;二是城市街区“正在发生”的情感记忆同样重要。最后提出构建“街区记忆圈”的策略 建议,以期助力上海“建筑可阅读、街区可漫步、城市有温度”的城市街区更新实践。

Abstract: The study, based on the three-dimensional framework of place attachment proposed by Leila Scannell and Robert Gifford, has established the fundamental structure of the 'people-place' coordinate system. It employs large language models to calculate and quantify psychological processes, characterizing the 'people-place' emotional association, and applies this framework to the exploration of the Duolun Road block in Shanghai. The findings reveal that people exhibit complex emotional responses to the Duolun Road block, which is considered a 'scenic spot embedded within a residential area'. From this, the study derives two implications: one is that everyday language and micro-action scenarios aid in understanding the genesis of 'people-place' emotions; the other is that the emotional memory of 'ongoing events' in urban blocks is also of great importance. The paper concludes with strategic suggestions for the construction of 'memory circles of urban blocks', with the aim of supporting the urban block renewal practice in Shanghai that strives for 'readable architecture, walkable neighborhoods, and a city with warmth'.


Keyword: large language model; urban block; emotional measurement; memory circles of urban blocks; Shanghai


文献标识码: A

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