
Analysis on Basic Characteristics and Behavioral Logic of Urban Renewal Oriented by Innovative Space: A Case Study of "Urban Silicon Alley" Renewal Projects in Nanjing

黄 昕
南京大学建筑与城市规划学院 硕士研究生

陈 浩(通信作者)
南京大学建筑与城市规划学院 副教授,博士

江苏省土地勘测规划院 院长,研究员级高级工程师

南京大学建筑与城市规划学院 硕士研究生

摘要: 以南京市中心城区45个“城市硅巷”更新项目为例,研究创新空间导向城市更新的基本特征与行动逻辑。结果表明:(1) 通过“地方国资平台主导”“社会资本主导”“多元主体合作”等治理方式,更新形成以科技创新产业为主的混合功能园 区。(2)依据更新前空间资产权属因素,可以区分为市场主体权属类(Ⅰ类)和非市场主体权属类(Ⅱ类)两类项目。 前者总体运作逻辑是产权主体盘活资产的意愿较为强烈,社会资本参与程度高。后者总体运作逻辑是产权主体对于存 量空间资产的处置相对谨慎,主要选择自主或与地方国资平台合作的方式更新,社会资本参与程度低。

Abstract: Taking forty-five "urban silicon alley" renewal projects in Nanjing as an example, this paper studies the basic characteristics and the behavioral logic of urban renewal oriented by innovative spaces. The results show that: (1) Through the local state- owned capital platform, social capital, multi-subject cooperation, and other governance methods, the renewal helps to establish mixed-function parks prioritizing the science and technology innovation industry. (2) According to the space asset ownerships before the renewal, the "urban silicon alley" in Nanjing can be clustered into "market entity ownership" (Category I) and "non-market entity ownership" (Category II). The behavioral logic of Category I is that the willingness of property owners to revitalize is relatively strong so that the participation of social capital is high. The behavioral logic of Category II is that the property owners are relatively cautious about the disposal of the stock space assets, mainly choosing to update by themselves or cooperating with local state-owned assets platforms, and the participation of social capital is low.


Keyword: innovative space; urban renewal; behavior logic; urban silicon alley; Nanjing


文献标识码: A


国家 国家社会科学基金一般项目 22BRK026

江苏 江苏自然资源智库 2023 年度开放合作项 ZK23007

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