
Concepts and Methods in the Practice of Street Space Control in Contemporary Shanghai City

同济大学建筑与城市规划学院 副教授 同济大学文科办公室 副主任 同济大学超大城市精细化治理研究院 执行副院长 《亚洲建筑》编辑部 运营主编

王 笑
同济大学建筑与城市规划学院 硕士研究生

伍 江(通信作者)
同济大学建筑与城市规划学院 教授 同济大学超大城市精细化治理研究院 院长 上海市城市更新及其空间优化技术重点实验室 主任

摘要: 聚焦当代上海城市街道空间管控实践,梳理其发展演进历程,并基于空间治理的视角,以管控观念与方法的变迁为线 索,从目标、对象、机制和路径4个层面,对其展开深入解析。由此提出,自1990年代以来,在上海街道空间管控的发展过程 中,管控对象经历从要素到空间的迭代,管控机制发生从碎片化到整体化的转变;同时,有序与活力这一对管控目标在 不同阶段交替出现,运动式治理与常规型治理这两种管控路径在实践探索中互为补充,共同推动街道空间品质螺旋上 升,治理效能不断提高。

Abstract: This article focuses on the practice of urban street space management and control in contemporary Shanghai, sorts out its development and evolution process, and based on the perspective of urban governance, takes the changes in management concepts and methods as a clue, and conducts in-depth analysis from four levels: goals, objects, mechanisms, and paths. Therefore, since the 1990s, in the development process of street space control in Shanghai, the control objects have experienced changes from elements to space, and the control mechanism has changed from fragmentation to integration. At the same time, the control objectives of order and vitality alternate at different stages, and the two control paths of campaign- style governance and conventional governance complement each other in practical exploration, jointly promoting the spiral improvement of street space quality and continuously improving the efficiency of spatial governance.


Keyword: street space; street elements; control subjects; control concept; control methods


文献标识码: A

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