
Preliminary Exploration on the Optimization of Urban Design Control Mechanism in Shanghai under the Territorial Spatial Planning System

上海市规划编审中心 工程师,硕士

摘要: 在当前国土空间规划体系语境下,城市设计的内涵和外延不断拓展,体现出横向融合、纵向贯通、综合运作的发展趋 向。上海一直高度重视城市设计工作,特别是在推动城市设计法定化方面形成了具有特色的机制和方法。新时期,上海 围绕3方面持续开展城市设计探索:一是全过程管理,将城市设计融入规划体系各个层次,注重体系性、适应性和可实 施性;二是高品质设计,探索不同尺度、不同类型空间设计的模式和方法创新;三是高效能治理,以城市设计为平台引 导多元主体协作参与,激发更大范围的价值认同。

Abstract: In the context of the current national territorial spatial planning system, the connotations and extensions of urban design are continually expanding, showing a trend of horizontal integration, vertical connectivity, and comprehensive operation. Shanghai has consistently placed great importance on urban design, particularly in developing unique mechanisms and methods for promoting the legalization of urban design. In the new era, Shanghai continues to explore urban design through the following three avenues: (1) Carry out whole-process management, integrating urban design into all levels of the planning system, and emphasizing systematic, adaptive, and implementable approaches; (2) Conduct high-quality design, innovating models and methods for spatial design at different scales and various types of spaces; (3) Implement high-efficiency governance, using urban design as a platform to guide multi-stakeholder collaboration and participation, and fostering broader value recognition.


Keyword: territorial spatial planning system; urban design; Shanghai; design control mechanism


文献标识码: A

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