
Research on Current Situation and Proper Deployment of Community Elderly Care Service Facilities under Chain Operation: A Case Study of Representative Clusters in Beijing Core Area

北京建筑大学建筑与城市规划学院 教授,博士生导师

北京建筑大学建筑与城市规划学院 博士研究生

中核能源科技有限公司 助理工程师,硕士

摘要: 2021年底,我国已正式步入中度老龄社会阶段。社区养老服务设施作为居家养老、社区养老服务的依托,其合理配置是 满足老年人服务需求的基本保障。以老龄化率居前列的首都核心区连锁运营模式下的代表性社区养老服务驿站组团为 研究对象,对驿站布局与规模类型,服务项目、服务量与服务提供形式,人员安排与统筹调配情况,不同规模驿站的空间 利用实态等进行调研;对服务量的影响因素、空间利用现状与问题等进行分析归纳,进而对连锁运营模式下社区养老服 务驿站的规划布局、不同规模驿站功能与空间的合理配置提出建议,以期为优化社区养老服务设施提供参考。

Abstract: China has technically become a moderately aging society by the end of 2021. Community elderly care service facilities serve as the foundation of elderly care. Therefore, the proper deployment of such facilities guarantees the satisfaction of service demand from the aged people. This paper takes representative community elderly care service station clusters under chain operation in core areas of the capital city as the research object. It conducts surveys and analysis about the layout and scale of stations, service options and service quantity, patterns of service offered, staff arrangement and practical use of spaces and existing problems therein, and then gives suggestions on the planning and layout of community elderly care service stations as well as the proper deployment of functions and spaces according to the scale, in a hope to offer references for optimized design of community elderly care service stations.


Keyword: the elderly; community elderly care service facility; station clusters under chain operation; planning and layout; deployment of functions and spaces


文献标识码: A


北京市 北京市自然科学基金面上项目 8202014

北京 北京社科基金重大项目 23JCA008

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