远程监护设备对不同居住安排老年人健康的影响 ——基于中国老年社会追踪调查的分析

The Impact of Remote Monitoring Devices on the Health of Older Adults with Different Living Arrangements: An Analysis Based on the China Longitudinal Aging Social Survey

重庆大学建筑城规学院 山地城镇建设与新技术教育部重点实验室 副教授,硕士生导师


摘要: 远程监护设备通过监测老年人的体征、环境或需求,可以实现对老年人护理的远程辅助。基于中国老年社会追踪调查 (CLASS)2018年度、2020年度的2期数据,分析4 503名老年人的调查问卷结果,运用个体固定效应模型,以老年人的3种 居住安排(独居、仅与配偶同居、多代同居)作为调节变量,探究4类常见远程监护设备(智能手环/手表、居家监控摄 像头、智能一体机/音箱、智能睡眠监测)的使用对城市居家老年人健康水平的影响。结果表明,至少使用其中一种设备 即可对老年人的健康水平产生显著的提升效应。这一提升效应在独居老人群体中尤其突出,并且不同设备的影响也存 在差异。揭示远程监护设备对老年人的健康效益存在居住安排方面的异质性,为智慧养老的研究和实践提供实证依据。

Abstract: Remote monitoring devices can provide remote assistance for the care of older adults by monitoring their vital signs, environment, or needs. Based on two sets of data from the China Longitudinal Aging Social Survey (CLASS) in 2018 and 2020, this study analyzes questionnaire results from 4 503 older adults. Using an individual fixed effects model and three types of living arrangements among older adults - living alone, living with a spouse, and multi-generational cohabitation - as moderators, the study explores the impact of four common types of remote monitoring devices - smart wristbands/watches, home surveillance cameras, smart screens/speakers, and smart sleep monitors - on the health levels of urban older adults. The results show that using at least one type of device could significantly improve the health levels of older adults. This improvement effect is particularly significant among those who live alone, and there are also differences in the effects of different devices. The study reveals heterogeneity in the health benefits of remote monitoring devices for older adults based on their living arrangements and provides empirical evidence for research and practice in smart aging care.


Keyword: smart aging care; remote monitoring devices; living arrangements; geriatric health; empty nesters; older adults living al


文献标识码: A


国家 国家自然科学基金 52308010

重庆市 重庆市建设科技计划项目 字2023第6-7号

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