
Investigation and Study on the Demand for Smart Home-based Elderly Care among Middle-aged and Older Adults under Different Living Arrangements

王 羽
中国建筑设计研究院有限公司适老建筑实验室 住房城乡建设部适老建筑与环境重点实验室 执行主任,研究员,博士

赫 宸(通信作者)
中国建筑设计研究院有限公司适老建筑实验室 住房城乡建设部适老建筑与环境重点实验室 工程师,硕士

中国建筑设计研究院有限公司适老建筑实验室 住房城乡建设部适老建筑与环境重点实验室 高级工程师,博士

摘要: 针对不同居住模式下的中老年人群体,系统梳理“居家智慧养老需求”的内在关联性,提炼出6大核心需求评估维度, 即个性化休闲娱乐、周到的照护辅助、全方位的健康监测、严格的隐私保障、友好的交互设计和智能网络连接赋能,并对 比分析了不同特征、不同居住模式下中老年人的6大核心需求差异。此外,通过用户访谈和案例调研,进一步揭示了中老 年人在实际使用智慧养老产品过程中对功能配置与需求的匹配度,以及潜在的隐性需求。基于这些发现,提出在功能设 计、空间布局和交互模式方面的策略性建议,以满足不同居住模式下中老年人对居家智慧养老的多元化和个性化需求, 从而为在技术快速发展背景下“居家养老”生活模式的构建提供理论支撑,进一步保障和提升老年人的生活品质。

Abstract: This study systematically examines the interconnectedness of "smart home care needs" among elderly populations across different living arrangements, delineating six core dimensions for assessing these needs: personalized leisure and entertainment, comprehensive caregiving assistance, all-round health monitoring, stringent privacy protection, user-friendly interface design, and smart network connectivity empowerment. Comparative analyses are conducted to discern variations in these six core needs among elders with distinct characteristics and living situations. Augmenting these findings, user interviews and case studies further elucidate the congruence between function configurations of smart eldercare products and actual user requirements, as well as unveil underlying latent needs. Based on these insights, the paper proposes strategic recommendations pertaining to functional design, spatial organization, and inter- action patterns, aiming to cater to the diverse and individualized smart home care needs of the elderly across various demographic profiles and living contexts. These propositions offer theoretical foundations for shaping lifestyle models within the context of "aging in place" amid rapid technological advancements, thereby enhancing and safeguarding the quality of life for the elderly population.


Keyword: smart aging care; elderly needs; living arrangements; needs assessment


文献标识码: A


国家 国家重点研发计划 2023YFC3805400

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