
Smart Community's Aging Friendly Response Models and Integrated Development Strategy from the Perspective of Technology-Space

李 昊
中规院(北京)规划设计有限公司 高级城市规划师 北京创思智趣科技有限公司 总经理,硕士

中规院(北京)规划设计有限公司 规划师,硕士

北京清华同衡规划设计研究院有限公司 高级工程师,硕士

摘要: 社区是智慧城市建设的“最后一公里”,同时也是以居家养老为主要模式的适老化空间。近年来,智慧社区面对持续加 深的老龄化趋势进行了多种模式的响应,其技术体系与功能内涵不断拓展。通过对智慧社区适老化响应模式的梳理, 将其分为社区服务升级、信息平台赋能、智慧场所营造和数字家庭构建4类。对这4类适老化响应模式的特征及典型应 用案例进行分析,并在技术—空间耦合的框架之下,提出智慧社区适老化的发展策略。智慧适老技术应用与社区空间 环境适老化改造的深度融合,能优化适老化场景体系,更好地实现数字技术对老龄人群需求的精准适配,最终使智慧 社区实现向适老化智慧社区动态演进。

Abstract: The community is the "last mile" of a smart city, and it is also an age-friendly space with home-based elderly care as the main mode. In recent years, the smart community has responded to the deepening aging trend in a variety of ways, as its technical system and functions have been continuously expanded. This paper combs the response mode of smart communities for the elderly, and divides them into four categories: community service upgrading, information platform empowerment, smart place construction, and digital home. In this paper, the characteristics and cases of four types of aging response modes are analyzed, and the development strategies of smart communities are proposed under the framework of technology-space coupling. The deep integration of the application of smart technology and the improvement of the community space environment for the elderly can optimize the scene system and better match the digital technology capabilities to the elderly' needs. Thus, smart communities could be able to realize the dynamic evolution to age-friendly smart communities.


Keyword: smart community; age-friendly; smart elderly care; smart space


文献标识码: A


重点专项 科技助力经济2020

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