
The Formation Mechanism and Planning Strategy of the "Digital Divide" of Home Care Services under ICT Applications: A Case Study of the Downtown Area of Fuzhou City

马 妍
福州大学建筑与城乡规划学院 副教授,硕士生导师

许 巍(通信作者)
福州大学建筑与城乡规划学院 硕士研究生

福州大学建筑与城乡规划学院 硕士研究生

摘要: 当前我国社会正处于老龄化与信息化相互交织的关键时期。研究ICT应用下城市老年人获取居家养老服务过程中“数 字鸿沟”问题的形成机理与规划对策,对于老年友好社区的智慧化升级与智慧社区的适老化设计有重要意义。以福州 市中心城区为例,运用回归分析等方法,分析不同类型老年人的信息化水平,比较其对不同类型ICT智慧居家养老服务 的使用意愿与使用能力,进而探究ICT智慧居家养老服务“数字鸿沟”的影响因素、形成原因和发生场景。在此基础上, 结合福州市居家养老服务设施建设现状,提出社区信息中心的功能组织与空间配置策略,以期为弥合城市老年人智慧 居家养老“数字鸿沟”、提升智慧养老服务供需匹配水平提供借鉴。

Abstract: Chinese society is at a crucial period where aging and informationization intertwine. Studying the formation mechanism and planning countermeasures of the "digital divide" issue in the process of urban elderly accessing home care services under ICT application is of great significance for the intelligent upgrade of elderly-friendly communities and the age-friendly design of smart communities. Taking the central urban area of Fuzhou as an example, regression analysis and other methods are used to analyze the informationization levels of different types of elderly individuals, compare their willingness and ability to use different types of ICT smart home care services, and further explore the influencing factors, causes, and occurrence scenarios of the "digital divide" in ICT smart home care services. Based on this, combined with the current situation of the construction of home-based pension service facilities in Fuzhou, this paper puts forward the functional organization and spatial allocation strategy of the community information center. It is expected to provide references for bridging the "digital divide" and improving the matching level of supply and demand of intelligent old-age services for the elderly in the city.


Keyword: innovative space; urban renewal; behavior logic; urban silicon alley; Nanjing


文献标识码: A

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