
Research on Evolution of Elderly Care Circle and Functional Space Configuration of Community Elderly Service Facilities Assisted by ICT

周 博
大连理工大学建筑与艺术学院 教授,博士生导

大连理工大学建筑与艺术学院 硕士研究生

曲 艺
大连理工大学建筑与艺术学院 教授,博士生导师

摘要: 人口老龄化是我国的基本国情,随着“421”式家庭结构成为主流倾向,“空巢老人”“独居老人”数量攀升。据最新数据, 我国近97%的老年人倾向于以家庭为基础、以社区为依托的方式来养老。如何降低老年人的孤独感并引导其融入社区 对外社交,打造安全性、包容性强且符合需求的社区养老环境是关键。ICT与城市建设的不断融合发展使得该技术逐 渐被引入康养领域,运用ICT辅助养老即“智慧养老”设备及系统,新形式下的社区与居家养老模式可打破距离壁垒 来观测老年人情况,为他们的生活和出行尽可能提供保障,有助于扩大其活动范围及养老圈。通过对沈阳市某社区养 老服务中心使用ICT设备的老年人的调查访问,探索ICT辅助下的养老圈和社区养老服务设施在功能空间上会有哪些 变化,提出节省人力成本、提高养护效率的可行性建设办法,促进我国“互联网+”的养老健康产业发展

Abstract: Population aging is China's basic national condition. As the "421" family structure has become the mainstream trend, the number of elderly living alone has increased. According to the latest data, nearly 97% of the elderly in China prefer family- based and community-based care services. How to reduce the loneliness of the elderly and guide them to integrate into the community and socialize with others, and create a community elderly care environment that is safe, inclusive and meets their needs is the key. The continuous integration and development of ICT and urban construction has gradually introduced this technology into the field of health care. The ICT-assisted elderly care in this article refers to "smart elderly care" equipment and systems. The new form of community and home-based elderly care models can break the distance barrier to take care of the elderly, and provide as much protection as possible for their life and travel. Through investigation of the elderly using ICT equipment in a community elderly service center in Shenyang, this paper explores improvements in the elderly care circle and community elderly service facilities with ICT, and puts forward feasible methods to save labor costs and improve the efficiency of maintenance, to promote the development of China's "Internet+" elderly care and health industry.


Keyword: community elderly care service facilities; information and communication technology; elderly care circle; spatial configuration


文献标识码: A

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