
Geographic Gerontology Research in China: Towards an Age-friendly Society

北京建筑大学建筑与城市规划学院 教授,博士生导师

北京市测绘设计研究院 工程师,博士

摘要: 在我国老龄化程度快速加深、经济社会转型和城乡空间重构的特殊时期,地理学与社会学、老年学等学科交叉的需求 日益凸显,老龄化地理学正成为重要的研究领域。当前,地理学对老龄化的研究聚焦于人口老龄化的时空特征和驱动 因素、人口老龄化的空间效应、老年人健康与环境的关系、老年人的空间行为、养老服务的空间组织与规划等方面,在 一定程度上为应对老龄化社会的挑战提供了有力支撑。但是从老年友好型社会建设的实际需求出发,一些基础性概念 仍然需要辨析,以便深入理解老年人口区别于其他人口的特征。立足于老龄化语境下人、社会与环境所构成的地域系 统,从人口、健康、社会等维度重新剖析老龄化和老年人的特征,结合社会需求探讨老龄化地理学研究的未来方向。

Abstract: In this special era of rapid aging, socio-economic transformation, and urban-rural spatial reconstruction, the need for interdisciplinary studies of geography, sociology, and gerontology become urgent, and geographic gerontology research is attracting extensive research attention. At present, geographic research on aging mainly concentrates on the spatio-temporal patterns and determinants of population aging, the spatial effects of population aging, the relationship between older people's health and environment, the spatial behaviors of older adults, and the planning for elder healthcare services. Although these studies have provided useful insights for understanding and coping with the challenges of an aging society, some basic concepts still need to be clarified to meet the needs of "age-friendly society" in practice. In particular, it is necessary to distinguish the particular characteristics of older people's demands from other populations. This paper presents research in line with this within a regional system composed of the relationships of people, society, and environments in the context of aging, and tries to broaden the perspectives of geographic gerontology research.


Keyword: age-friendly society; health of older people; elder healthcare; poverty of older people; supportive environment


文献标识码: A


北京市 北京市社科基金重大项目决策资询类 23JCA008

国家 国家自然科学基金项目 NSFC 42371244

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