
Conservation and Renewal of Urban Historical and Cultural Space Based on the Innovative Approach of "Regeneration of Old Houses": A Case Study of Taiwan Experience



摘要: “老屋新生”作为城市历史文化空间保护与更新的创新方式,对城市发展过程中相关历史文化空间的保护与更新具有重要意义。探究城市发展过程中一些被闲置的历史文化空间在重新规划建设时应注意的条件与实际,认为“老屋新生”是通过一系列保护、更新及创新方式,使具有历史文化意义的老屋在现代社会中具有可持续发展的全新功能。基于传承历史文化、保存文化资产、寻访生活足迹的目的,“老屋新生”议题广受关注,引起人们对老屋的重视与保护。通过分析台湾4个较为典型的“老屋新生”成功案例——有记名茶、纪州庵文学森林、好样文房和林百货,探讨台湾在城市建设与发展过程中历史文化空间保护与更新的实践经验,以期为未来城市相关空间保护与更新提供借鉴。

Abstract: As an innovative method to protect and renew urban historical and cultural space, "regeneration of old houses" is of great significance in the process of urban development. This paper discusses construction conditions and the reality of vacant or unoccupied historical and cultural buildings in planning and defines "regeneration of old houses" as a series of protection, innovation, and renewal to enable old buildings with new functions in line with the development in modern society. At present, based on the purpose of "inheriting history and culture, preserving cultural assets, and tracing the footprints of life", the issue of "regeneration of old houses" has attracted wide attention. By analyzing four typical and successful cases of "regeneration of old houses" in Taiwan, including Wang Tea, Kishu An Forest of Literature, VVG Chapter, and HAYASHI, the paper explores the practical experience of historical and cultural space protection and renewal in the process of urban construction and development in Taiwan, to provide further references for the protection and renewal of related urban space in the future.


Keyword: regeneration of old houses; historical and cultural space; conservation and renewal; Taiwan


文献标识码: A

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