
The Pathways to Resilient Community Building from the Perspective ofCo-production: A Case Study of Granby Four Streets Community Regeneration inLiverpool, UK




摘要: 目前城市更新工作已在我国众多城市广泛展开。社区更新是城市更新的重点工作内容之一。在更新过程中,除了物质层面的改善,社会治理与在地组织能力的提升也十分重要。引入社区韧性与合作生产理论,以英国利物浦格兰比四街社区更新项目为例,探讨合作生产视角下提升老旧社区韧性的更新策略。社区网络建设、社区凝聚力提升和社区文脉保护是提升社区韧性的重要路径,链接多方资源、鼓励公众参与和引入专业力量是提升社区韧性的有效方法。

Abstract: China has stepped into the era of urban regeneration. Community regeneration is an important aspect of urban regeneration.During the process of community regeneration, the improvement of social governance and self-organization are important apart from the improvement of physical aspects. By introducing community resilience and co-production theories, this research takes the Gran by Four Streets community regeneration program as an example, exploring the strategies of communityresilience enhancement and the approaches to co-production implementation. It highlights three aspects of community resilience improvement: networking, community cohesion, and collaboration. Based on the aspects discussed, the paper summarizes several approaches toward community resilience, including linking resources, encouraging public participation,and introducing professionals, hoping to support the old community regeneration in China.


Keyword: community resilience; community regeneration; co-production; Granby Four Streets community


文献标识码: A


重庆市艺术科学研究规划项目 当代艺术视野下西南地域景观抢救性修复设计途径研究 18YB05

重庆市教委人文社会科学研究项目 当代艺术视野下巴渝文化景观类遗产活化研究 19SKGH115

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