
Planning Response and Spatial Optimization of Medium-sized and SmallShrinking Cities in Japan



摘要: 城镇化进程中不同城市区域发展分化造成部分中小城市出现人口净流出和经济衰退等收缩表征,探索收缩型中小城市的空间形态调整和空间优化策略成为当前中国高质量发展阶段的重要课题。针对日本圈层收缩型城市青森市和星状收缩型城市富山市所推动的紧凑型城市空间重构和规划策略进行分析研究,为将来抑或延续日本类似发展轨迹的中国收缩型中小城市国土空间规划的调整方向和优化策略提出有益启示:(1)激发城市中心城区活力再生,将其打造成为多样化高级化城市功能高密度集聚整合的活力中枢;(2)通过城市环线遏制城区无序蔓延,推动城市空间内涵提升式的高质量发展;(3)通过公共交通引导城市收缩规划,建构“节点化+网络化”的紧凑型国土空间结构。

Abstract: This paper attempts to conduct an analysis on the compact city planning of the circle-layer model shrinking Aomori City and the star-shaped model shrinking Toyama City, and consequently put forward some key planning strategies for small and medium-sized shrinking cities in China. The following conclusions are obtained. (1) In order to make the urban central area an economic development center of urban revitalization and vitality regeneration, it is important to attract diversified high-level urban functions and populations to the urban central area. (2) In order to promote high-quality development of urban space, it is important to curb urban sprawl by urban ring roads. (3) Shrinking cities should conduct compact territory spatial planning with transit nodes and transit networks.


Keyword: shrinking city; circle-layer shrinkage; star-shaped shrinkage; planning response; spatial optimization


文献标识码: A


聊城大学人文社科科研基金项目 济南都市圈收缩城市的形成机制、转型策略与协同发展 321021926

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