
Exploration of Institutional Mechanism and Planning Innovation of Shanghai's New Round of Old District Regeneration

上海城市更新建设发展有限公司 副总经理高级工程师,硕士

摘要: 近年来,上海全面推进新一轮旧区改造工作,加快改善中心城二级旧里以下房屋中的困难群众居住条件。在旧区改造工作推进中,以“政企合作”为新模式,充分发挥国有功能性企业的中坚作用。上海新一轮旧区改造工作在体制机制和规划创新方面取得了一定经验,包括通过政府部门政策赋能、国有企业发挥城市更新平台作用,旧区改造规划在风貌保护、功能提升、落地实施等方面的基本目标制定,以及在旧改实施中规划流程创新、技术标准创新和空间产品创新等方面的实践探索等。

Abstract: In recent years, Shanghai has promoted a new round of old district regeneration, accelerating the improvement of living conditions for disadvantaged residents in old neighborhoods. Through the new model of "government enterprise cooperation",state-owned enterprises play a "backbone" role in the promotion of old district regeneration. This article introduces the key points of institutional mechanism and planning innovation, including the empowerment of government departments and the role of state-owned enterprises as urban regeneration platforms, the basic goals of planning in terms of style protection,functional improvement, and implementation, as well as practical exploration in the planning process, normative standards, and spatial product innovation.


Keyword: old district regeneration; institutional mechanism; urban regeneration; planning practice


文献标识码: A

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