
Policy Innovation and Practice of Old Urban Communities Renovation inGuangzhou in the New Era


广州市城市规划勘测设计研究院 区域规划设计所助理工程师

冯 萱
广州市城市规划勘测设计研究院 区域规划设计所副所长,高级工程师

广州市城市规划勘测设计研究院 区域规划设计所副总工程师,高级工程师

摘要: 针对城镇老旧小区面临的居民强异质性导致高交易成本、参与主体的权利义务格局不明朗、时空统筹不足致使改造难持续、制度保障滞后于改造实践等改造难点,从改造主体、改造内容、改造路径和改造方式等维度分析新时代老旧小区改造政策的逻辑变化,并进一步总结新时代广州老旧小区改造的政策创新与实践。广州老旧小区改造早在20世纪80年代已有相关实践,政策发展上经历了初步探索、相对停滞、趋于成熟3个阶段,并在新时代通过构建多主体共同参与新格局、时空双重维度释放改造红利、立足地方特征创新改造方式、推动老旧小区共同缔造全覆盖等,实现了自下而上和自上而下两大机制的有效衔接,走出一条超大城市老旧小区可持续改造的路径,以期为其他城市提供有益借鉴。

Abstract: Facing the renovation difficulties such as high transaction costs, unclear pattern of rights and obligations of participants,insufficient spatio-temporal planning and belated institutional guarantee of renovation practice in old communities, this paper analyzes the logical changes of the old community renovation policies under the guidance of sustainable development from the perspectives of renovation subjects, contents, paths and methods, and summarizes the old community policy innovation in Guangzhou. The renovation of old communities in Guangzhou has been practiced as early as the 1980s, and the policy development has experienced three stages: preliminary exploration, relative stagnation and maturity. In the new era, it realizes the effective connection between the bottom-up and top-down mechanisms by constructing the new pattern of multi-subject participation, releasing the renovation dividends of time and space, innovating the renovation methods based on local characteristics, and promoting "co-creation". Guangzhou has found a path of sustainable renovation of old communities, which provides a useful reference for other cities.


Keyword: old community; sustainable renovation; policy innovation


文献标识码: A

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