
Analysis of Urban Regeneration Activities in Shanghai and Innovation Researchof Regulations

周 偲

刘 璇

摘要: 城市更新是国家重大战略决策部署与城市存量发展的重要抓手。通过《上海市城市更新条例》,上海市建立了国土空间规划引领下的城市更新基本制度,并陆续出台系列配套文件。梳理上海城市更新实践历程与相关的制度演变,分类解析城市更新的实践状况。在辨析城市更新制度建设现状及面临的挑战的基础上,提出完善上海城市更新制度建设的若干思考,涉及规划实施管理制度、土地增值分配机制、存量资源的盘整与调配、财税金融综合施策等议题。

Abstract: Urban regeneration is an important national strategy and urban development method. Shanghai Urban Regeneration Regulations established a basic system for urban regeneration actions under the guidance of territory spatial planning.Subsequently, Shanghai issued a series of supporting documents. On the basis of analyzing the practice and characteristics of institutional trends, the paper reflects on the problems of document connection, market participation, supporting policies,planning systems, and mechanisms in regulation design. Based on the experiences of other cities, the paper proposes some suggestions for further work.


Keyword: urban regeneration; regulation design; Shanghai


文献标识码: A

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