
Strategies to Improve the Resilience of Urban Water Planning: Practice and Exploration in Xiong'an New Area

上海同济城市规划设计研究院有限公司 院总工程师

摘要: 韧性城市是当前城市规划的重要议题之一,建设韧性城市已成为防范城市安全风险的国家战略路径,韧性城市理念的 融入对城市水务基础设施建设的影响巨大。从解析韧性城市理论研究和全球韧性城市实践出发,认为韧性水务应具备: 系统结构灵活包容、基础设施多元冗余、水务功能稳健成长、运行管理协同智慧等基本特征。通过在雄安新区RD片区的 实践探索,总结城市水务规划韧性提升的策略方法主要体现在4方面。①结构化整为零:系统布局由集中式向分布式转 变;②设施多元冗余:提前准备、未雨绸缪;③空间功能弹性:多功能复合利用、与风险共存;④专业统筹协作:控制风险连锁反应,实现“多规合一”。

Abstract: "Resilient city" is at the forefront and the focus of current urban planning. Building resilient cities has become a national strategic path to prevent urban risks. A resilient city has a great impact on the construction of urban water infrastructure. Looking into the theoretical research and global practice of resilient cities, this paper summarizes the basic characteristics of the resilient water system, including flexible and inclusive system structure, multiple and redundant infrastructures, steady and growing functions, and collaborative and wisdom management. Through practice and exploration in RD of Xiong'an New Area, this paper summarizes four strategies to improve the resilience of urban water planning. In terms of structures, the system layout should change from a centralized system to distributed system. In terms of facilities, it should be multiple and redundant to prepare in advance. In terms of spatial functions, it should be flexible, diversified and compound to coexist with risks. In terms of collaboration, different water systems should coordinate to control the chain reaction of risks, and realize multiple planning integration.


Keyword: resilient city; Xiong'an New Area; water planning; system integration


文献标识码: A

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