社会可持续视角下基于多源大数据的社区活力测 度和更新规划策略研究——以苏州市中心城区为例

Research on Community Vitality Measurement and Regeneration Strategy Based on Multi-source Data from the Perspective of Social Sustainability: A Case Study of Suzhou Central Area

英国利物浦大学,西交利物浦大学 博士

苏州科技大学建筑与城市规划学院 硕士


西交利物浦大学,英国利物浦大学 博士研究生

摘要: 社区更新是提升社区场所活力、优化居住生活品质和整合空间结构的有效手段。当下关于社区活力的测度主要根据社区要素进行评测,较少构建基于人本视角下的社区活力测度体系。基于社会可持续理论,构建包括社会公平、社会资本和居民基本需求在内的3个目标层共计14项测量指标的社区活力测度方法,并通过层次分析法对影响指标的影响权重进行赋值,进而构建评价体系,旨在从居民需求出发,体现以人民为中心的社会可持续发展观,对社区更新规划策略做出优化调整。结合地理空间数据、POI数据和微博签到数等数据,对苏州中心区内2 311个社区的社区活力进行测度。研究发现,社区活力测度结果将苏州中心城区内社区分为五级,其中五级社区342个,基础设施老旧不完善,亟需更新。基于社会可持续理论的社区活力测度体系可助力对城市社区进行量化研究,为城市老旧小区更新选择提供数据支持并优化更新决策,进而实现城市可持续发展。

Abstract: Community regeneration could enhance vitality, optimize living quality, and integrate the space effectively. Currently, the measurement of community vitality is mainly based on community elements, and the measurement system based on a peopleoriented perspective is rarely constructed. Therefore, based on the social sustainability theory, this paper develops a community vitality measurement method with a total of 14 indicators at three target levels, including social equity, social capital and residents' basic needs. Subsequently, the weight of the impact indicators is assigned by the analytic hierarchy method to construct the evaluation system, aiming to reflect the people-oriented concept of sustainable social development and optimize the community regeneration strategy. This study combines geospatial, POI and Weibo data to measure the vitality of 2 311 communities in downtown Suzhou. The community vitality measurement results divide the communities into five levels. Three hundred forty-two communities are fifth-level, with old and limited infrastructure urgently needing renovation. The community vitality measurement system based on the social sustainability theory proposed in this study can help quantify urban communities and provide quantitative data for regeneration community selection, and additionally optimize regeneration decisions to achieve sustainable urban development.


Keyword: multi-source big data; community regeneration; social sustainability; vitality measurement


文献标识码: A

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