“双碳”战略下上海市规划管控策略探索 ——基于国际经验的分析研究

Research on Shanghai Planning Management Strategy under the "Carbon Emissions Peak and Carbon Neutrality": Based on Analysis of International Experiences

上海市城市规划设计研究院 工程师,硕士

张 翀
上海市城市规划设计研究院 工程师,硕士

摘要: 实现“双碳”是一场广泛而深刻的经济社会系统性变革,对国土空间规划体系建设提出新战略、新使命和新要求。《上海市城市总体规划(2017—2035年)》提出建设“更可持续的韧性生态之城”目标,纳入碳排放相关指标,在“两个维度、三个层次、四种类型”的国土空间规划体系下有序推进各项工作。聚焦规划管控体系,围绕“双碳”战略下“管什么”“如何管”的问题,对目前上海国土空间规划管控情况进行再审视,分析其中管控要素覆盖、各级规划传导,以及政策和技术支持等问题,借鉴国外面向碳中和规划经验,提出管控体系构建思路,针对规划管控内容、技术要点和实施保障等提出建议。

Abstract: To achieve "carbon emissions peak and carbon neutrality" implies a broad and profound transformation of the economic and social system, and it imposes new strategies, new missions, and new requirements on the territorial spatial planning system. Shanghai Master Plan 2017-2035 has set the goal of "a more sustainable eco-city" and incorporates carbon emission indicators, and relevant works progressed orderly under the territorial spatial planning system of "two dimensions, three levels and four types". Focusing on "what" and "how" problems in the planning management system under the "carbon emissions peak and carbon neutrality" strategy, this paper reviews the current situation of Shanghai territorial spatial planning management and analyzes the control indicators, planning transmission and political and technical supports in it. After analyzing international planning experiences, ideas for planning management system construction and suggestions for planning management framework, key measures and implementation guarantees are proposed.


Keyword: carbon emissions peak and carbon neutrality; planning management; Shanghai


文献标识码: A

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