“留改拆”导向下历史风貌区控规编制策略探索 ——以上海市静安区张园地区规划实践为例

On the Planning Innovation of Historic Landscape Area under the Guidance of Reform and Demolition: A Case Study of Zhangjia Garden Area in Shanghai Jing'an District

莫 霞
华建集团现代建筑规划设计研究院有限公司 院副总规划师,正高级工程师,博士

魏 沅
华建集团现代建筑规划设计研究院有限公司 规划一分院副总规划师,硕士

摘要: 上海旧区改造方式转变为“留改拆”后,开始探索与城市历史风貌保护相互促进的新路,旧改区域和历史风貌区高度叠合,相应的控规编制更需要从均质化编制方式转变为精细化编制方式,改善民生的同时兼顾历史风貌整体保护。对“留改拆”导向下上海中心城区历史风貌区面临的问题与挑战进行分析,系统梳理目前中心城区历史风貌区规划导向与控规落点,并以位于历史文化风貌区的静安区张家花园(以下简称“张园”)为例,从传承历史文脉、优化公共要素、空间复合利用等方面阐述“留改拆”导向下的张园地区规划编制策略;从新增肌理保护范围、精细化布局公共空间、统筹地下空间整体开发、分类保护历史建筑等角度探讨历史风貌保护技术要点。

Abstract: After the transformation method of Shanghai's old district changes into "reform and demolition", planners begin to explore a new way to promote with the protection of urban historic landscape. The renewal area and historic landscape area are highly superimposed, and the corresponding control and regulation compilation needs to be changed from homogenization to refinement, improving people's livelihood and taking into account the overall protection of historic landscape. Based on the analysis of the problems and challenges faced by the historic landscape area in the central city of Shanghai under the guidance of "reform and demolition", this paper systematically combs the planning guidance and control points of the historic landscape area in the central city, and takes the planning strategy exploration of Zhangjia Garden Area in Jing'an District as an example to elaborate the planning strategy under the guidance of "reform and demolition" from the aspects of inheriting historic context, optimizing public elements, and space compound utilization. The technical points of historic landscape protection are discussed from the perspectives of new texture protection scope, fine layout of public space, overall development of underground space, and classified protection of historical buildings.


Keyword: historic landscape areas; reform and demolition; regulatory detailed planning; Shanghai Zhangjia Garden Area


文献标识码: A

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