
Urban Environmental Exposure and Migrants' Health in the Era of Mobility: From the Perspective of Social-spatial Effects

武汉大学城市设计学院 湖北省人居环境工程技术研究中心 教授,博士生导师

清华大学公共管理学院 博士后,助理研究员

摘要: 基于流动时代的新背景,围绕社会空间效应视角,主要采用文献综述等研究方法,系统地探讨了环境暴露与移民健康问题的最新研究进展与发现。研究表明,社会适应理论、社会资本与健康、环境健康差异理论是目前探讨环境暴露与移民健康问题的核心理论。研究从早期主要关注自然环境,拓展到自然环境、建成环境和社会人文环境的多维度综合环境。移民与本地居民在环境暴露方面存在较大差异,表现在建成环境的不公正、社会资本的不平等,以及社会空间效应引发的移民健康脆弱性等3方面。新研究需要更加重视移民自身流迁经历及人口流动带来的社会空间效应演化问题。在此基础上,构建了“环境暴露—社会空间效应—移民健康”的新范式,强调移民健康问题是环境暴露与社会空间效应交互影响的结果。以期有助于拓展健康城市研究的分析维度,为建设健康城市提供理论支撑。

Abstract: This article reviews the literature and examines the progress, content, and framework of research on environmental exposure and migrants' health issues. The study identifies three critical theories currently being explored: social acculturation & health evolution, social capital & migrants' health, and environmental health disparities theory. Research in this area has expanded beyond natural environments to multiple dimensions, such as built- and socio-environments. Due to social and economic inequality, limited housing opportunities, and uneven geographic distribution, along with the impacts of social-spatial effects, significant differences in environmental exposure exist between migrants and local residents, resulting in injustice in built environments and social capital, and increased vulnerability of migrants' health. However, existing theories and empirical evidence primarily rely on the experiences of Western countries. They overlooked the impacts of migrants' experiences and dynamic social-spatial effects caused by residential mobility. This article proposes a new research paradigm of "environmental exposure-social-spatial effects-migrants' health", emphasizing the crucial role of social-spatial effects, which can provide valuable insights for the construction of healthy cities in China and other countries.


Keyword: environment exposure; social-spatial effects; healthy city; migrant; urban governance


文献标识码: A


同济大学建筑与城市规划学院建成环境技术中心—高密度人居环境生态与节能 教育部重点实验室2022年度开放课题 居住分异视角下高密度建成环境对居民时空行为与健康的影响研究 20221450059

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