
Smart Shrinkage Strategies of Depopulation of Medium and Small Shrinking Cities in Hokkaido, Japan

聊城大学地理与环境学院 系主任,讲师

首都师范大学资源环境与旅游学院 博士研究生

摘要: 城市收缩正在成为新的常态化现象席卷全球,引发一系列城市可持续发展问题。在国内外社会经济环境条件的叠加作用下,我国部分中小城市开始出现以人口减少为表征的城市收缩现象,营造高品质生活环境的现代化城市治理政策将成为收缩城市的崭新命题。通过对日本北海道的人口收缩城市案例及其推动的收缩应对策略进行研究分析,探讨得出将来适合中国收缩型中小城市规划发展的有益启示:(1)遵循精明收缩理念,通过城市功能紧凑化战略和公共交通网络化战略推动多中心网络化紧凑城市建设;(2)发展升级产业和优化产业结构,促进产业和就业的良性互动;(3)城市政府向高质量服务型转变,构建引导市民自发参与城市建设的协作体制机制。

Abstract: Urban shrinkage is a kind of phenomenon that is spreading widely around the world, which causes a range of sustainable development problems. This phenomenon has also emerged in some cities and regions of China. It is a new challenge for shrinking cities to have an integrated urban management policy suitable for a high-quality living environment. This article analyzes smart shrinking strategies of shrinking cities in Hokkaido, Japan to point out policy alternatives and implications for shrinking cities in China. The conclusions are drawn as follows. The first is to conduct a compact city with new value through urban spatial construction and functional agglomeration. The second is to upgrade industries and optimize the industrial structure, promoting the positive interaction between industry and employment. The third is to improve the quality of administrative service, and also build a cooperative system to induce citizens to participate spontaneously.


Keyword: Hokkaido; shrinking cities; population decline; smart shrinkage


文献标识码: A


聊城大学科研基金项目 济南都市圈收缩城市的形成机制、转型策略与协同发展 321021926

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