
Citizen Organizations and Community Construction: A Case Study of Guandu Plain Community, Taipei City

台北大学民俗艺术与文化资产研究所 硕士研究生

世新大学观光学系 副教授,博士生导师

摘要: 社区营造是目前许多都市发展中的一项重要工具,它不仅需要社区当地居民的共同参与,更需要民间团体在公私部门之间建立合作平台以促进社区共同目标的达成。以台湾台北市关渡平原小区为例,在民间团体的协助下,当地小区适当引入政府部门的资源,并借由当地居民的参与,共同完成社区规划与营造工作。以“关渡那么田”的农民体验活动来说明借由民间团体整合公私部门的社区营造活动,以及各方在其中扮演的角色与发挥的作用,并且引导出公私部门在合作上的中介角色,以及社区营造取得成功的关键因素。

Abstract: Community construction is an important active tool for current urban development all over the world. It is not only achieved through the mutual cooperation of local residents in the community, but also requires citizen organizations through bridging the cooperation platform between the public and private sectors to promote the community to work together for a common goal. This article takes the Guandu Community next to the Guandu Plain in Taiwan as an example. The local community, through the assistance of citizen organizations, appropriately channels the resources of government departments, and community planning and construction are carried out through the participation of local residents. This article introduces the farmers' experience activity of "Guandu Farmland Festival", explains the community construction of the public and private sectors integrated by citizen organizations and their roles and functions, and expounds on the intermediary role of the public-private sectors in cooperation and the key factors of successful community construction.


Keyword: citizen organizations; community construction; Guandu Plain Community; Guandu Farmland Festival; Taipei City


文献标识码: A

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