
Discussion on the Coordination Path of Suburban Scenic Area and City under the Reconstruction of Natural Reserve System: A Case Study of Laoshan

中国城市规划设计研究院深圳分院 高级城市规划师,硕士

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中国城市规划设计研究院深圳分院 城市规划师,硕士

中国城市规划设计研究院深圳分院 城市规划师,硕士

摘要: 随着机构改革,我国自然保护地体系处于重构之中,既需借鉴国外以国家公园为主体的魅力景观体系,也需传承我国历时千年的风景名胜区体系。崂山风景区是我国首批编制风景名胜区规划的国家级风景区名胜区之一,随着城区空间用地不断向景区空间拓展,逐渐由景城各自独立发展转向景城融合渗透发展。以崂山风景区为例,从景城动态演变、景区多线矛盾、景区业态制约、景村历史遗留矛盾等方面,对景区保护、景城协调、景村协调中存在的问题进行深入剖析。从优化景区功能分区、转变景区管理方式、创新景区村庄模式提出景城协调发展的策略建议。提出三区变两区、打开崂山景区、打破门票经济、盘活特色村庄等建议。坚守底线提高生态管控质量,并激活景区活化利用模式。

Abstract: China's nature reserve system is in the process of reconstruction. It is necessary to learn from foreign landscape systems with national parks as the main body and inherit China's thousand-year-old scenic area system. Laoshan scenic spot is one of the first national scenic spots in China. With the continuous expansion of urban land, the development of scenic spots gradually changed from the independent development mode to the integration mode. Taking Laoshan Mountain Scenic Area as an example, this paper conducts an in-depth analysis of the problems existing in scenic protection, scenic-village coordination, and scenic-city coordination, from the aspects of dynamic evolution, multi-line contradictions, business constraints, and historical contradictions left by scenic villages. From optimizing the functional zoning, changing the management mode, and innovating the scenic-village mode, this paper puts forward some strategic suggestions for the coordinated development of scenic spots and cities. This paper proposes to stick to the bottom line, improve the quality of ecological management and control, and activate the utilization mode of scenic spots.


Keyword: natural reserve system; scenic spots; coordination between city and scenery area; Laoshan


文献标识码: A

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