
Public Service Facility Layout in Transit Railway Station Area under the Perspective of Location Optimization

深圳市蕾奥规划设计咨询股份有限公司 副总经理,总规划师,研发总监 高级工程师,博士

刘 泉(通信作者)
深圳市蕾奥规划设计咨询股份有限公司 副总规划师,高级工程师,硕士

深圳市蕾奥规划设计咨询股份有限公司 研发主管,工程师,硕士

摘要: 轨道站点地区的公共设施规划建设工作十分重要,但是针对性的规划研究并不充分。针对少子化、老龄化和城市收缩等问题,日本近年来兴起以扩张型城市向集约型城市转型发展为主要理念的选址优化规划,将轨道站点地区的公共设施规划建设作为主要工作内容之一。通过案例对比,对相关方法进行总结,主要包括3方面的借鉴价值:一是在站点周边地区配置比例更高的公益性设施,而不是过度关注商业开发;二是公益性设施并不一定是独立占地,而是与其他设施进行混合布局和共享利用;三是公共设施的布局原则重视步行尺度,但不强求直接布局在社区步行范围内,而是利用轨道公交形成不同站点地区之间的统筹布局。

Abstract: The planning and construction of public facilities in railway station areas are very important, but targeted planning research is not enough. In order to solve problems such as an aging population, fewer children and shrinking cities, Japan has developed the location optimization planning transforming from expanding cities to compact cities, which takes the planning and construction of public facilities in railway station areas as part of the main work content. Through case comparison studies, the analysis of relevant methods can provide experience references. Firstly, TOD planning should allocate a higher proportion of public welfare facilities in transit railway station surrounding areas, rather than pay excessive concern to commercial development. Secondly, public welfare facilities do not necessarily occupy independent lots, but can be mixed and shared with other facilities. Thirdly, the layout principle of public facilities should pay attention to the walking scale, which does not require building within the walking range of the community, but uses rail transit to form the comprehensive facility planning between different station areas.


Keyword: public service facility planning; public welfare facility; TOD; shrinking city; aging; location optimization plan


文献标识码: A

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