
History and Experience of the Planning and Development of Tokyo Waterfront City

同济大学建筑与城市规划学院 硕士研究生

栾 峰(通信作者)
同济大学建筑与城市规划学院 教授,博士生导师,luanfeng@tongji.edu.cn 上海市城市更新及其空间优化技术重点实验室 创新经济与城乡空间分中心主任

摘要: 东京临海副都心经过30多年的开发建设现已基本建成,其间历经全球城市竞争、经济泡沫破裂和诸多重大事件,对新城建设尤其是沿海超特大城市的港城开发建设具有经验价值。通过文献分析,从时代背景、规划决策和开发建设方面回顾、分析东京临海副都心的开发建设过程,明确其“联动东京”的发展战略经验、“紧凑复合”的空间组织经验,以及刚性和弹性相结合的规划编制经验。结合我国实际情况提出3条建议:(1)注重从空间结构、功能定位方面持续与所在城市、区域进行深化互动;(2)注重从相关制度、内部空间组织层面协同进行城市开发建设和城市运营管理;(3)在精准辨识港城和新城在空间上的比较优势的前提下理性营城。

Abstract: After more than 30 years of development and construction, Tokyo Waterfront City has been nearly completed. During this period, it has experienced global cities competition, economic bubble bursting and many important events, which is of experience value to the development and construction of new towns, especially port new-towns in coastal megacities. This paper reviews and analyzes the development and construction history of Tokyo Waterfront City from the aspects of historical background, planning decisions and development through literature analysis. Then it makes clear three points of the experience from Tokyo Waterfront City, which are interaction with Tokyo, compact spatial organization, and planning with both rigidity and elasticity. Finally, three suggestions are put forward based on China's actual situation: (1) Focus on interacting with the city and region in terms of spatial structure and urban functions; (2) Focus on integrating urban development and operation from the perspective of relevant institutions and internal spatial organization; (3) Rationally develop port cities and new towns on the premise of accurately identifying their comparative spatial advantages.


Keyword: 港口新城;渐进开发;城市营造;可持续开发;奥运会


文献标识码: A

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