基于营销视角的城市旅游意象感知评价研究 ——以重庆市为例

Urban Tourism Image Perception Evaluation Based on Marketing Perspective: A Case Study of Chongqing

重庆市规划设计研究院 自然资源部国土空间规划监测评估预警重点实验室 空间规划大数据应用重庆市工程研究中心 工程师,硕士

重庆市规划设计研究院 空间规划大数据应用重庆市工程研究中心 助理工程师

易 峥
重庆市规划设计研究院 空间规划大数据应用重庆市工程研究中心 副总工程师,教授级高级工程师,博士

摘要: 旅游意象是影响旅游目的地竞争力的重要因素。基于旅游形象营销传播相关资料和马蜂窝网站景点的游客评论数据,提出基于营销视角的城市旅游意象感知评价方法,从营销意象、时间意象、空间意象、情感意象和认知意象5个方面进行旅游意象分析研究。综合主体营销视角和客体感知视角的意象分析结果,发现近年来重庆的旅游宣传营销所传达的旅游形象,基本都为客体所感知,客体对城市旅游的评价反映出主体营销意象获得了积极的反馈。“山水、美丽、非去不可”等旅游形象深入人心,全域旅游的宣传塑造出网红城市IP,通过旅游热门地的时空变化,一种全城皆可游的意象传达到客体。同时,通过时间、空间、情感、认知的多维度客体旅游意象反馈为旅游形象打造和旅游业发展找到方向。

Abstract: Tourism image is an important factor affecting the competitiveness of tourist destinations. Based on the relevant information on tourism image marketing communication and tourist review data of the Mafengwo Website, this paper puts forward a method to evaluate the perception of city tourism image from a marketing perspective, and analyzes the city tourism image from five aspects: marketing image, temporal image, spatial image, emotional image, and cognitive image. Based on the results of image analysis from the perspective of subject marketing and object feedback, it can be found that the tourism image conveyed by Chongqing's tourism promotion and marketing in recent years is basically perceived by the object. The evaluation of the object on urban tourism reflects that the marketing image of the subject has been positively fed back. Tourism images such as "mountains and rivers" "beauty" and "a must-go place" are deeply rooted in the hearts of people. The publicity of the whole area of tourism has shaped an internet-famous city IP. Through the spatial-temporal changes of popular tourist spots, an image of "the whole city can be visited" is conveyed to the object. At the same time, through the multi-dimensional tourism image feedback of time, space, emotion and cognition, it finds out directions for tourism image building and tourism development.


Keyword: marketing perspective; text analysis; tourism image; perception evaluation; Chongqing


文献标识码: A

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