
Thoughts on Shanghai New Towns' Transportation Optimization Based on Positioning of Comprehensive Node City

朱 洪
上海市城乡建设和交通发展研究院 教授级高级工程师,副院长,硕士

上海市城乡建设和交通发展研究院 工程师,硕士

上海市城乡建设和交通发展研究院 工程师,硕士

摘要: 新城是上海寻求新增长极的重要战略空间,为了发挥交通的引领、支撑作用,结合上海市第六次综合交通大调查数据,分析现状新城城市功能、职住平衡、交通设施、居民出行的特征。未来在新城建设独立的综合性节点城市的定位要求下,分析新城门户枢纽、节点城市,综合性、独立城市,绿色智慧、活力城市等定位下的交通需求发展趋势特征,以及对交通设施配置、交通体系构建、交通运输结构完善、交通服务供给的要求,并提出相应的交通系统优化策略。

Abstract: The new towns are important strategy spaces for Shanghai to seek new growth poles. In order to make the full supporting role of transportation, the article analyzes new towns' urban function, home-work relationship, transport facilities, and resident trip features based on Shanghai Sixth Comprehensive Transportation Survey. Shanghai new towns' position in the future is the comprehensive node city. This paper analyzes future traffic demand characteristics based on the positioning of the portal hub, comprehensive node city, green wisdom, and lively city. The article also analyzes requests on transportation facilities configuration, traffic structure optimization, and transportation service supply. At the end of the article, corresponding transportation system optimization strategies are proposed.


Keyword: new town; Shanghai metropolitan area; comprehensive node city; transportation system optimization


文献标识码: A

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