全域旅游背景下县域应急避难场所规划研究 ——以淮安市金湖县为例

Research on the Emergency Shelter Planning of County under the Background of Comprehensive Tourism: A Case Study of Jinhu County, Huaian City

安徽大学商学院讲师 南京大学建筑与城市规划学院博士研究生



张 岩

南京大学建筑与城市规划学院 教授,博士生导师

摘要: 县域是发展全域旅游的主要承载空间,在发展旅游的同时也需坚守安全底线,因此合理布局应急避难场所必不可少。以江苏省淮安市金湖县为例,结合全域旅游发展需求对应急避难场所规划进行改进。为了全时空保障居民和游客的安全,从多灾种应对的视角出发,分别构建风险评价指标体系,并对应急避难场所的场地适应性进行评价。基于重点旅游项目的风险分析,应急避难场所布局时应对高风险地区的旅游项目有所侧重,还可以充分利用低风险地区旅游项目的空间优势,促进应急避难场所与旅游目的地在空间上相互配合、提高防灾效率。充分发挥全域旅游绿道的灾时疏散作用,在重要节点设置应急驿站,点、线联动,全面满足游客的避难需求。

Abstract: With the development of comprehensive tourism and increasing safety requirements, emergency shelter planning cannot be ignored in counties, which is the main space for comprehensive tourism. This paper takes Jinhu County as a case study and proposes emergency shelter planning under the background of comprehensive tourism with different hazards. In order to fully protect residents and tourists, the risk assessment and evaluation of shelter suitability are conducted based on the flood, earthquake, and fire, respectively. Based on the above analysis results, the risk analysis of tourism projects is added. The space advantage of tourism projects in low-risk areas can be used in the layout of emergency shelters, and the emphasis is put on tourism projects in high-risk areas, so that the emergency shelters and tourist destinations can cooperate with each other and fully respond to disasters. Furthermore, it is necessary to make full use of comprehensive greenways and set up emergency stations at important nodes to meet refuge needs of tourists.


Keyword: comprehensive tourism; emergency shelter; comprehensive disaster prevention; planning; county


文献标识码: A

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