
A Case Study of Sustainable Green Roof of Urban Apartment Complex

联合大学建筑学系 教授,博士生导师

联合大学建筑学系 硕士

联合大学建筑学系 助理教授,博士

摘要: 近年来由于全球气候变化问题逐渐严重,行政部门持续推动居民参与屋顶绿化,以满足建筑指标中“绿化量指标”的要求,进而提升生活质量,但是普及率有待加强,且屋顶绿化运营的可持续性更是不佳。以台湾地区新北市推动屋顶绿化的示范社区为研究目标,挑选两个都会型社区作为研究对象,运用文献分析法、实地访查法和半结构式访谈法等研究方法,从人、事、物、时、地5个方面进行探讨,希望能作为后续推动屋顶绿化工作的参考依据。研究结果显示,通过以社区营造为核心的居民参与过程,在适切的学习、有效的管理、因时因地的策略调整,以及资源的取得等条件配合下,应可有助于屋顶绿化的可持续运作,达成绿化量指标的成效。

Abstract: The problem of global warming and climate change has been becoming more serious in recent years. Governmental institutes continue to encourage communities to attend green roof activities to satisfy the request for the greenery index of green buildings, and further promote the living quality. Yet, the penetration rate is not high enough and the sustainability of roof greening activities is less successful. The research target of this paper is the demonstrate apartment complex of New Taipei City which promotes green roofs. It selects two urban communities as the cases, and applies the documentary study, field survey and semi-structured interviews as research methods. Five dimensions of people, matter, affair, time and place are considered for future references. The research shows that through the participating process of community building, combined with resource gaining, proper learning with effective management and strategy adjustment can help the sustainable operation of green roofs, and then achieve the goal of greenery index.


Keyword: sustainable development; greenery index; green roof; community building


文献标识码: A

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