社会住宅社区营造的经验与启示 ——以台北市“社会住宅青年创新回馈计划”为例

The Experience and Inspiration of Community Building in Social Housing: A Case Study of "Taipei Social Housing for Youth Innovation"

王 峥
台湾大学建筑与城乡研究所 博士研究生 厦门大学建筑与土木工程学院 助理教授

摘要: 社会住宅因其社会福利属性带来的弱势群体聚居现象,常引发周边邻里的排斥而被标签化。为避免社会排斥,除了提升社会住宅的硬件条件外,还可采取混合居住模式,但居民的多元异质却造成社区融合的不易。针对这些问题,台北市“社会住宅青年创新回馈计划”在社会住宅中开展针对性的社区营造活动,成效显著。从该计划的参与主体、运行机制、营造策略、现有成效及呈现问题等多个角度进行解析,研究其推动社区营造的过程,总结出弹性政策与制度创新、多元主体的协同合作、灵活多样的互动机制和互惠共享的价值导向等4方面的实践经验,以期为大陆的混合居住社区推动社区营造提供借鉴。

Abstract: Social housing is often labeled due to its social welfare attributes that bring about the phenomenon of clustering of disadvantaged groups, which often triggers isolation by neighboring residents. In order to avoid social exclusion, apart from improving the hardware conditions of social housing, mixed-income housing models can be adopted, but the heterogeneity of residents' identities and incomes makes community integration difficult. In response to these problems, "Taipei Social Housing for Youth Innovation" has carried out targeted community building activities in social housing with remarkable results. We analyze the program from various perspectives, such as the participating parties, operation mechanism, creation strategy, current effectiveness and problems, study the process of promoting community building, and conclude four practical experiences, such as flexible policy and institutional innovation, collaborative cooperation of multiple parties, flexible and diverse interaction mechanism, and value orientation of mutual benefit and sharing, in order to provide a reference for promoting community building in mixed-income communities in mainland China.


Keyword: social housing; mixed-income community; community building; Taipei Social Housing for Youth Innovation; Taipei


文献标识码: A

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