
Beyond Real and Imagined: Spatial Exploration of an "Atypical" Cultural Heritage in Taiwan

罗 晶
中央美术学院建筑学院 副教授,博士

摘要: 艋舺谢宅是台湾一个私有的、小规模的、保护状况不佳的“非典型”文化遗产。以索亚对于列斐伏尔的“空间生产三元组”中二元张力的解读为基础,从超越真实与想象的“第三空间”视角对谢宅的现状进行探析,并从地方感的维度解读多方行动者的不同认知以及地方的多重内涵。不可忽视,谢宅作为“文化遗产”,其下还有层叠的、支配性的、抽象的知识系统,以及不同行动者对这一真实空间的不同想象与认知。通过讨论政府、学者、邻里、家族、屋主个人之间的关系与认知异同,同时探讨行动者的空间再现,指出谢宅的保护困境在于真实空间与想象空间之间——它既不是一个与“人”无关的物质性空壳,也无法成为“文化遗产”标签所定义的完美的异托邦状态。

Abstract: Xie-Mansion at Mengjia is a private, small-scaled and poorly protected "atypical" cultural heritage in Taiwan. Based on Edward Soja's interpretation of the dualistic tension in Lefebvre's "conceptual triad of production of space", this paper explores Xie-Mansion's status quo from the perspective of "thirdspace" that transcends the "real" and the "imagined space", and interprets perceptions of various actors and multiple meanings of place from dimensions of sense of place. It should not be ignored that there are other overlapping, dominating, abstract and visual "knowledge" systems beneath the "cultural heritage" system, as well as different imaginations and perceptions of the real space by different actors. By discussing first, the relationships and perception similarities and differences of government, scholars, neighbors, family and the host from the perspective of place attachment, and second, the representation of space by actors from the perspective of place identity, this paper points out that the preservation dilemma of Xie-Mansion is rooted in real space and imagined space—it is neither a materially empty shell with no concern to "people", nor able to become the perfect heterotopia as defined by the label of "cultural heritage".


Keyword: cultural heritage; production of space; real; imagined; Taiwan


文献标识码: A


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