台湾历史街区更新中的容积转移制度实践反思: 基于大稻埕的实施评价

Reflection on the Practice of FAR Transfer System in the Renewal of Historical Blocks in Taiwan: Based on the Implementation Evaluation of Dadaocheng

厦门大学建筑与土木工程学院 副教授

厦门大学建筑与土木工程学院 硕士研究生

摘要: 历史街区在保护中发展,一直以来是城市更新的难题。容积转移作为平衡资源保护与市场开发的弹性调控机制,是协调历史街区更新中复杂多元问题的重要技术手段。通过对我国台湾地区历史街区的容积转移制度建构和20多年实践分析,对制度整体实施成效进行探讨,重点对台北市大稻埕历史街区更新中的容积转移实践进行深入剖析,对制度实施情况进行综合评价,客观认识该制度在历史街区更新中的作用、优点和不足,并提出制度反思与建议,为我国大陆地区历史街区保护更新提供经验借鉴。

Abstract: The development of historical blocks under protection has always been a difficult problem in urban renewal. As an elastic regulation mechanism to balance resource protection and market development, FAR transfer is an important technical means to coordinate the complex and diversified problems in the renewal of historical blocks. Based on the analysis of the construction and practice of the FAR transfer system of historical blocks in Taiwan, this paper discusses the overall implementation effects of the system, focuses on the in-depth analysis of the FAR transfer practice in the renewal of the historical blocks in Dadaocheng, Taipei, and provides experience for the protection and renewal of historical blocks in Mainland China.


Keyword: historical district renewal; FAR transfer; implementation evaluation; Taiwan; Dadaocheng


文献标识码: A


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