新时期城市文化空间专项规划编制思考与探索 ——以上海浦东新区为例

Thinking and Exploration on Urban Cultural Space Sector Plan in the New Era: A Case Study of Pudong New Area, Shanghai

上海市浦东新区规划设计研究院 规划五所 副所长,工程师,硕士

摘要: 在上海“人文之城”建设和国土空间规划体系建立的新背景下,城市文化专项规划亟需在编制思路和编制方法上进行转变。城市文化承载空间由文化设施向文化空间转变,城市文化空间专项规划应聚焦物质属性和精神属性进行文化空间的界定。结合国土空间规划框架下专项规划的定位,形成对上海浦东新区文化空间专项规划的思考和探索,提出在宏观层面文化空间格局应与城市空间格局相契合,中观层面应聚焦文化集聚区明晰特色定位、提升文化密度,微观层面应强化分类引导与品质提升,以发挥“文以载城、文以化人”的作用。

Abstract: Under the new background of the construction of a "humanistic city" and the establishment of a territory spatial planning system, it is urgent to change the compilation ideas and methods of urban cultural sectoral planning. The urban cultural carrying space has changed from cultural facilities to cultural space. The sectoral planning of urban cultural space should focus on the material attributes and spiritual attributes to define the cultural space. Combined with the positioning of the cultural space sector plan under the framework of territory spatial planning, this paper forms the thinking and exploration in Pudong New Area. At the macro level, the cultural spatial pattern should be consistent with the urban spatial pattern. At the meso level, we should focus on the cultural clusters, clarify the characteristic positioning and improve the cultural density. At the micro level, we should strengthen the classified guidance and quality improvement, so as to give play to the role of culture in cities and residents.


Keyword: cultural space; sector plan; cultural cluster; Pudong New Area


文献标识码: A

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