
Synergised City: Frequency Synergy in Spatiotemporal Data-Augmented-Design

沈 尧
自然资源部国土空间智能规划技术重点实验室 同济大学建筑与城市规划学院 副教授,博士生导师 英国伦敦大学学院高级空间分析中心 荣誉研究员

摘要: 真实的城市瞬息变化,持续演进。得益于海量的跨模态高频时空感知数据的涌现,城市分析方法与干预手段持续“高频化”,与较为“低频”的传统规划理论形成互补,为城市的短期、长期干预分别提供了路径。“低频城市”与“高频城市”有机结合的复合态是未来城市的特点,进而提出一种新的规划设计视角——“协频城市”,其强调高低频协同的城市研究和干预方法,以城市时间频度为切入点,运用频度与空间规划的单元、尺度、粒度、距离等要素的紧密联系,提倡尊重时空数据的自然频度和尺度涌现机制,以及与城市议题干预需求对应的必要性,以智能技术作为一种协频和调频工具箱形成以地点为视角、时空规律发现为特点的时空数据增强的路径。提出以整合城市频度作为一种发现城市智能和探索新规划理论的重要手段,指出在城市研究和实践中运用“频度智能”对于规划智能化的积极意义。

Abstract: Real cities continue shifting and evolving almost instantly. With the massive cross-modal, high-frequency, and spatiotemporal data, the approaches in urban analytics and spatial intervention are now known to be high-frequency, complementing the conventional, low-frequency methods, and providing new possibilities for short-term and long-term decision-making for urban wellbeing. The so-called "high-frequency city" and "low-frequency city" imply two paradigms that are not well-associated and mutually referenced, and the scrutiny on the urban frequency and on the cities under different frequencies is very still absent. This research introduces a new paradigm named "hybrid-frequency city" as a new methodology to incorporate the high-frequency city and low-frequency city comprehensively. It is argued that neither a fully high-frequency city nor a pure low-frequency city is the ultra-form of the future city. Urban frequency is defined as a fundamental element in the hybrid-frequency city, which is closely associated with domains, resolution, scales, etc. In our framework, the method to calibrate proper resolutions and scales for the purposed spatial domain is proposed and a frequency modulator is required for synergising the interventions across domains, scales, and resolutions for various urban issues. It is demonstrated that urban frequency is an essential type of urban intelligence that benefits relevant urban studies and practice with domain-scale-resolution precision.


Keyword: big data; frequency; Data Augmented Design; urban science; planning synergy


文献标识码: A


国家重点研发计划课题 “城市韧性测度及动态演化机理” 2020YFB2103901-1

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