
Data Augmented Design for the Future Urban Space: Design Responses Influenced by Information and Communication Technology

清华大学建筑学院 博士研究生

龙 瀛(通信作者)
清华大学建筑学院 生态规划与绿色建筑教育部重点实验室 长聘副教授,博士生导师

摘要: 信息通信技术的发展给城市规划及设计带来新机遇与新挑战。从日常活动的视角梳理出人们日常生活虚实交织与空间使用时空转移的发展趋势,从空间形式的视角归纳出城市空间数实相生与日常需求智能响应的特征。在此基础上,从3个方面展望ICT影响下城市空间的变化:“以时间换空间”——通过混合、共享、分时复用的方式提高低频/潮汐空间的使用效率;“以信息换能量”——互联网信息流替代部分出行和功能空间的同时也促进新的活动和空间需求的产生;“以物流换人流”——线上线下服务促进商品/服务流动方向的转变,对物流仓储与运输空间的需求增长。进一步讨论了城市组织要素功能和价值的重塑及以数字创新为核心的面向未来的数据增强设计的应用潜力。

Abstract: The development of information and communication technology (ICT) brings profound opportunities and challenges to urban planning and design. This study reviews the mix of real and virtual daily life and the spatiotemporal transfer of spatial usage from the perspective of human activities. It also summarizes the interplay of data and urban entity and intelligent response to the demand supported by ICT from the perspective of urban spatial form. This study proposes the changes in the urban space from three aspects. (1) "Exchanging time for space" — ICT could improve the efficiency of low-frequency/tidal space through mixed and shared space. (2) "Exchanging information for energy" — internet information replaces part of travel and functional space but also promotes the generation of new activities and space. (3) "Replacing pedestrian flows with logistics" — online to offline services promote the change of the flow direction of commodities/services, increasing demand for logistics warehousing and transportation space. This study also discusses the reshaping function and value of urban elements and the application potential of future-oriented data augmented design with digital innovation.


Keyword: information and communication technology; digital innovation; Data Augmented Design; urban planning; urban design


文献标识码: A


清华大学-丰田联合研究基金专项 “未来社会广义人居环境研究:场所营造及评估关键技术研发、决策优化与场景应用” 20213930029

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