
Analysis on the Characteristics of Time Allocation, Travel Behavior and Quality of Life of Commuters in Shanghai

贺 璇
同济大学道路与交通工程教育部重点实验室 硕士研究生

陈 川
同济大学道路与交通工程教育部重点实验室 副教授,博士生导师

同济大学道路与交通工程教育部重点实验室 副教授,博士生导师

摘要: 随着上海的城市扩张,部分上海市通勤者每天需要经历长时间通勤,这会影响他们的生活时间分配和生活质量。利用因子分析方法对上海市的建成环境进行度量后,选择4组调查区域:只有一般建成环境优势区域、只有交通可达性优势区域、只有交通设施分布优势区域和3种优势兼有的区域。利用667位通勤者的问卷调查数据,通过ANOVA分析等统计分析,研究居住地的交通区位、建成环境和社会经济属性对出行行为、生活时间分配产生的影响,以及它们对生活质量的影响。结果表明,不仅居住地的建成环境会影响通勤者的时间分配,建成环境与交通区位叠合也对生活时间分配产生进一步的影响,还会影响通勤时长和通勤交通方式;市区通勤者的生活质量高于郊区通勤者;小汽车通勤的生活质量较高,公交通勤的生活质量最低,采用自行车通勤的健康满意度最高。

Abstract: As the city of Shanghai expands, some of the residents need to experience long-distance commuting every day, which will affect their time allocation and quality of life (QOL). In this paper, after using the factor analysis method to measure the built environment in Shanghai, four groups of survey areas are selected: areas with only general built environment advantages, areas with only accessibility advantages, areas with only public transit facilities advantages, and areas with the three advantages. The questionnaire survey data of 667 commuters in Shanghai is used for statistical analysis such as ANOVA analysis to study the impacts of the residential location, built environment, socio-economic attributes on travel behavior and time allocation, as well as their impacts on QOL. It shows that the built environment will affect time allocation, and combined with residential location, it can have further impacts on time allocation, as well as the duration of commuting and travel mode. Besides, the QOL of urban commuters is higher than suburban commuters. Car commuters have high QOL, public transportation commuters have the lowest QOL, and bike commuters have the highest commute and health satisfaction.


Keyword: travel behavior; quality of life; ANOVA analysis; time allocation; built environment


文献标识码: A


教育部人文社会科学研究项目 “宏微观数据融合的城市居民生活活动与出行行为研究” 18YJAZH018

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