
Problems and Strategies of Merged Towns in Far Suburban Areas of Shanghai under Rural Revitalization: A Case Study of Songjiang District

上海市城市规划设计研究院 高级工程师

中共上海市松江区市场监督管理局 党组副书记

田 菲
上海市城市规划设计研究院 工程师,硕士

摘要: 在上海市完成乡镇撤并后的20年间,远郊乡镇呈现更加集聚集约的发展态势,而撤制镇区由于缺少行政财政支持呈现逐步衰退的情况,与本地居民对美好生活追求之间的矛盾进一步扩大。随着乡村振兴战略实施的推进,远郊撤制镇区在城乡关系中带动乡村的优势凸显,这成为当前撤制镇区摆脱发展困境的重要机遇。松江区撤制镇区具备上海远郊乡镇撤并的典型特征,为此以松江区撤制镇区为例,研究撤制镇区的现状资源特征与问题瓶颈,探索在乡村振兴背景下通过提升功能定位、发挥产业资源优势、实现公共服务均等化、创造良好人居环境等方面的方法,将远郊撤制镇区打造为城镇体系中的重要城乡节点和新发展载体,促进撤制镇区与乡村地区的共同振兴。

Abstract: After the twenty years of townships merging, towns in far suburban areas turn to be more intensive. Merged towns show degeneration as they are out of town-level financial support. The contradictions between service supply and residents' needs are expanded. With the promotion of the rural revitalization strategy, merged towns have new opportunities for development. The paper analyzes the common problems through researching the current characteristics and situation of merged towns in Songjiang. Strategies are put forward from aspects of function promotion, industrial development, public service equalization and good living environment to promote mutual development of merged towns and rural areas.


Keyword: merged towns; rural revitalization; townships merger; Songjiang


文献标识码: A

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