城市科技创新空间发展、影响因素与规划策略探讨* ——上海科创中心建设思考

Research on Urban Sci-tech Innovation Space Development, Influential Factors and Planning Countermeasures: A Case Study of Shanghai Science and Technology Innovation Center

同济大学建筑与城市规划学院 助理教授,博士

香港大学建筑学院 助理教授,博士

罗 瀛
中国城市规划设计研究院上海分院 高级规划师,硕士

摘要: 我国专利申请数量在过去20年猛增200多倍,成为科技创新大国。如何进一步优化城市创新环境,推动科技创新从量的增长向质的提升转变成为具有重要意义的研究课题。以上海为例,在简要回顾城市空间、科技创新发展及其影响因素相关研究后,以“中心城—近域地区—郊区新城”空间结构为视角审视了不同圈层下的创新发展特征和差异,通过回归模型进一步探索城市中影响创新发展的因素,并基于这些分析提出优化上海创新空间发展的规划策略,为指导中国城市科技创新策源功能建设和优化提供参考。

Abstract: China has become a major country in technological innovation. It has become an important research topic on how to further optimize the urban innovation environment and promote the transformation of technological innovation from quantitative growth to qualitative improvement. This article takes Shanghai as an example to address the question. After a brief review of the relevant research, this paper examines the characteristics and differences of innovation development from the perspective of the "central city-peri urban area-suburban new town" spatial structure. Then, it applies a regression model to further explore the factors influencing the development of innovation. Based on these analyses, the planning strategies for optimizing the development of Shanghai's innovation space are discussed, with a view to guiding the construction and optimization of science and technology innovation functions in Shanghai and other Chinese mega-cities.


Keyword: urban innovation; spatial structure; influential factors; planning strategy


文献标识码: A


国家自然科学基金资助项目 “政治经济视角下城市创新空间分布特征及发展机制研究:以上海为例” 51808391

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