组织模式视角下的在地性社区规划探索* ——以武汉市登月小区为例

Exploration of Local Community Planning from the Perspective of Organi-zational Model: A Case Study of Dengyue Community in Wuhan

武汉大学城市设计学院 博士研究生

郭 炎(通信作者
武汉大学城市设计学院 副教授

摘要: 社区规划已成为提升基层社会治理能力的前沿阵地。然而,长期自上而下、重物质空间轻社会发展的建设模式,导致社区内部集体行动能力低下、对外话语权薄弱,社区可持续发展缺乏内生动力。需要衔接社区内部和对外的互动协作,重建在地性社区规划的组织模式。现有相关研究多采用“政府—市场—社会”的三元框架,缺乏层次性。基于集体行动理论和沟通规划理论,从群内多主体横向联动、群际多层级纵向协作两个层面入手,建立社区规划组织模式的多主体—多层级分析框架。结合湖北省武汉市登月小区的社区规划实践,应用该框架解释社区规划参与主体的阶段性互动关系,建议因地制宜构建社区规划组织模式。

Abstract: Community planning has become the forefront of social governance. However, the long-term top-down construction mode, emphasizing the built environment while ignoring social development, leads to the low collective action capacity and the weak discourse power of the community. It is necessary to facilitate the interaction and collaboration between communities inside and outside and rebuild the organizational model of the local community planning. The existing relevant studies mostly adopt the ternary framework of "government, market and society", which lacks hierarchy. Based on the theory of collective action and communication planning, this paper establishes a multi-agent & multi-level analytical framework for the community planning organizational model from two aspects: the horizontal linkage of multi-agents within the group and the vertical collaboration of multi-levels among the groups. Based on the practice of Dengyue Community, this paper applies the framework to explain the periodic interaction between the participants of community planning, and suggests that the organization model of community planning should be constructed according to local conditions.


Keyword: localization; community planning; public participation


文献标识码: A


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