
Site-specificity on Community Involvement in Residential Historic District Conservation: Based on Social Capital Analysis Framework

东南大学建筑学院 教授,博士

北京清华同衡规划设计研究院有限公司 助理规划师,硕士

摘要: 居住型历史地段反映人民群众的生活空间营建智慧,是文化自信和传承的重要空间载体,是极为重要的遗产类型。居住型历史地段保护越来越倡导社区参与,且对社区参与的有效性要求越来越高。借助在地性相关理论,为研判社区参与的有效性提供指引,而社会资本相关理论则为具体分析社区参与提供框架。选择6个在地性较好、但存在差异的国内外案例,运用由社会资本层次、社会联系类型和社会资本功能构成的分析框架,对社区参与主体及其关系进行呈现和解读,并总结有利于在地性的社区参与组织机制。最后针对国内情况提出建议。

Abstract: Reflecting the wisdom of people's living space creation, residential historical districts are of great heritage importance, as spatial carriers for cultural confidence and inheritance. Community involvement is increasingly advocated in the conservation of residential historic districts, and the effectiveness of community involvement is increasingly required. The paper points out theories on site-specificity to provide guidance on judging the effectiveness of community involvement, and theories on social capital to provide an analysis framework. Then six different cases from domestic and abroad with fair performance on site-specificity are selected for empirical research of community involvement. Using the analysis framework composed of social capital levels, social connection types and social capital functions, participants involved and their relationships are clearly illustrated and interpreted. This paper summarizes the organizational mechanisms of community involvement that are beneficial to site-specificity. Finally, some suggestions are put forward according to the domestic situation.


Keyword: community involvement; residential historic district; site-specificity; genius loci; social capital


文献标识码: A


国家自然科学基金项目 “基于社区研究和参与的居住型历史地段规划体系优化” 51778125

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