
Community Planning Based on Placemaking: Practice Exploration in "New Qinghe Experiment", Beijing

清华大学建筑学院 副教授

摘要: 伴随社区规划的迅速发展,探索在地化路径成为重要关注点。通过梳理中西方社区规划的发展历程,总结其呈现出从“基于空间”到“基于场所”的演进特征,其源自对社区作为一种地方性场所的复杂内涵的认知,进而辨析中国传统语境和实践中的社区概念,揭示“地方场所”和“地方治理”是关键理念。基于对场所和场所营造相关概念和特征的辨析,从社区规划的角度,提出社区作为场所的多维价值属性,包括地域共同体、生活共同体和治理共同体,需要通过综合性的场所营造得以完整实现。结合北京“新清河实验”中的社区规划实践,探讨在地化的场所营造策略,提出主要实施路径,包括提升宜居性、增进场所感、开展跨域协作和推动社区参与等方面。

Abstract: With the rapid development of community planning, exploring the localization path has become an important focus. This paper reviews the development of community planning in the West and China, and summarizes its evolution characteristic from "space-based" to "place-based", which derives from the cognition of the complex connotation of community as a local place. Then, it differentiates the concept of community in traditional Chinese context and practice, and reveals that "local place" and "local governance" are the key concepts. Based on the analysis of relative concepts and characteristics of place and placemaking, from the perspective of community planning, it puts forward the multi-dimensional values of community as a place, including territorial community, life community and governance community, which may be completely realized through comprehensive placemaking. Furthermore, combining with the community planning practice in the "New Qinghe Experiment" in Beijing, it discusses the localized placemaking strategies, and summarizes four main aspects of the implementation path, including improving livability, promoting a sense of place, carrying out cross-domain collaboration, as well as facilitating community participation, together with detailed examples in Qinghe practice.


Keyword: place; placemaking; community planning; community participation; New Qinghe Experiment


文献标识码: A


住房和城乡建设部软科学研究项目 “基于政策工具和案例评估的城镇老旧小区更新改造的政策体系研究” 2020-R-010

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